Showing posts with label laugh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label laugh. Show all posts

Adore Him!

The Christmas trees are being taken down, the decorations are being carefully packed away, and the gifts are being put to good use.  All of the Christmas cookies have been eaten.  And many people have likely placed their Christmas music in storage until next December.  That is, of course, unless you are like me.  You may still have one of your favorite Christmas CDs in your car, holding on to the Christmas season as long as you possibly can.  In my SUV, that CD is “A Brooklyn Tabernacle Christmas.”

This particular CD reminds me of the wonderful memories I have of sitting in the Brooklyn Tabernacle hearing the angelic voices join together in song to celebrate the Savior’s birth.  Then, I start to recall the overwhelming peace and joy I felt as the congregation sang the words from the beloved carol, “O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord.”  It was in this moment that I realized once and for all that Christmas is not a season or a holiday.  Christmas is a time to adore Jesus Christ.  Christ is all about adoring Him.
You see, Christmas is not just a day at all.  Christmas is a state of mind.  It’s the way we smile a little bigger, embrace our loved ones harder, and laugh a lot more.  It’s the way we give more, complain less, and maintain a cheerier disposition.  It’s how we sing a little louder and love our family and friends even more.  Ultimately, Christmas is about the moment we realize that Jesus Christ truly is our Lord and Savior, the King of Kings who was born in a manger of hay in a stable.  And Christmas reminds us that He was not only born one Christmas night, but He grew up to be a man.
For the little boy whose birth we celebrate on December 25th each year is the same One who gave His life on a cross for the sole purpose of washing away our sins.  He suffered and died just so that you and I could have eternal life.  John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  You may be wondering why God sent His only Son to die on a cross.  The answer is simple.  He wanted to give us the greatest gift that has ever been given.  That’s how much He loves you and me, not just on Christmas, but every day of the year.
While I realize there may not be room in our homes for a Christmas tree all year through, I pray that there is always room in our hearts to remember the most miraculous birth ever recorded in the history of mankind.  I challenge you this year to keep the spirit of Christmas alive in your heart every single day.  Do something nice for someone when they least expect it.  Call someone to let them know you were thinking of them.  Write a note to someone to let them know you are praying for them.  Visit a nursing home, volunteer in a school, or donate to a local charity.  Hug your family and tell them you love them even more.  Do something in the spirit of Christmas every day of the year.  Why?  Just because.
Oh, and about that Christmas CD in your car…keep that there, too.  People always say they adore their kids, their husband, or their wife.  They even adore their house, puppy, kitten, car, motorcycle, smartphone, laptop, sweater, jeans, purse, you name it!  While all of this is well and good, I am sure with all of this adoration being spread around that no one will look at you funny if you listen to a song adoring Him, even in the month of January.  So, please join me in raising our voices in unison as we maintain a Christmas state of mind all year through!  “O, come let us adore Him!”
In Christ’s Love,

Can you believe that the first full week of the year 2013 is now history?  Seven days of the New Year have already come and gone.  Either those New Year’s resolutions you and I made are clicking right along or else they have fallen by the wayside.  There are now only 358 days remaining to make a difference in the year 2013.  Only 358 more opportunities to start the day with a smile on your face, make someone’s day brighter, or end the day with thanksgiving to God for blessing you with another day to love, another day to laugh, and another day to live.

Living is what my New Year’s resolution is all about.  Sure, I’ve made resolutions in the past to lose weight, consume less sugar, exercise more, etc.  While I still plan to work on these things, I wanted to make a resolution that I could stick to, one that would make a difference not only in my own life, but in the lives of others around me.  And so, my New Year’s resolution for 2013 is to love life more, love my family and friends more, and love Jesus Christ even more.  Granted, I already love all of these things with all of my heart and soul, but I still know that there is an infinite amount of love in the world, so there is always more love to give.  And that’s what I want to do in 2013: give more love to the ones I love the most!
In life, we get so busy that it is easy to get wrapped up in our daily routines, not even realizing the day-to-day blessings that God bestows upon us.  It could be a hug, a smile, a handshake, or a sweet note, a smiley face, or a cup of coffee.  Even the smallest little things can make a huge difference in our day.  We may even set out to bless someone else in return, thinking we will pay it forward and do something nice for them tomorrow.  365 days later, the year has come and gone, seemingly unbeknownst to us.  We don’t mean to forget, but the year comes and goes so fast that we simply lose track of time.  And so, I urge you to make the most of every single day, even on the busiest of days.
Don’t let one minute sneak by you.  Enjoy every moment of your life, whether you are at the office, sitting in a hospital waiting room, or riding the subway home in the evening.  It doesn’t matter if you are walking down the aisles of the grocery store, driving your son or daughter to soccer practice, or waiting at a red light, there is always a blessing waiting just around the bend.   Sometimes, it comes when we least expect it.  And sadly, there are times when it comes and we don’t notice it at all.  That’s why we need to pay special attention to every day of the year.  Why?  You never know if tomorrow might end up being recorded in your book of memories as the best day of 2013!
What about you?  What are your resolutions for 2013?  What goals do you hope to achieve?  What hurdles do you hope to jump over?  Who can you love more?  How can you enjoy life more?  I would like to give you a little assignment.  I challenge you to post a comment below where you list one resolution you have for the New Year.  Big or small, write one thing down.  You’ll be surprised at how writing it down can be the little nudge you need to watch yourself actually achieve whatever it is you set out to accomplish!  Plus, we’re all in this together.  I’d be happy to pray for you and help encourage you in your journey to success!  May God bless you always and may you always remember to live every moment to the fullest!  There are 51 weeks left of 2013!  What are you waiting for?  Get out there and LIVE!
In Christ’s Love,

Something New

I’d like to invite you think back to the day when you last purchased something new.  Perhaps it was a new car, a new pair of shoes, or even a new bag of potato chips.  Do you remember that “new car smell?”  Or the way your new shoes were so clean and bright?  And it’s always more fun to pull out the first whole potato chip, as opposed to reaching down in the bag for the last few crumbs!

What is it about something new?  It makes us feel happy and at times, it may even bring back fond childhood memories of a new bicycle or a new puppy or kitten to love.  As humans, we are not generally attracted to old, ugly, discarded pieces of merchandise.  While someone once said that “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure,” we can be assured that there are some pieces of trash that are just that: trash.  Still, we continuously find ourselves trying to sell this “trash” at yard sales, flea markets, and the like.  Or we may determine that something we own simply needs to be placed in the infamous “file 13.”  No matter how they get rid of the “junk,” people usually follow the old adage, “Out with the old and in with the new.”
Every 365 days, we are given something new: a new year.  Every year, we virtually are given the chance to hit the reset button.  We have the chance to live a fuller life, love a lot deeper, and laugh even harder.  A new year brings with it the opportunity to make amends with family or friends or spend more time with your parents, spouse, or children.  Yet, in our rush to get through another day, there are times when we simply stick to our old ways.
Likewise, there are times when we keep driving the same car, even though it’s broken down five times in the last week.  God may have even sent the money for the down payment on a new car, but we keep putting it off until next week.  And those new shoes in the closet never get worn because they’re not “broken in” yet.  So, we continue wearing our ragged pair instead.  Then we can hardly finish our work day because of the pain in our feet from the worn out soles that offer no support.
Similarly, you may already be ignoring the New Year.  Instead of using this fresh start as a reset button, you may be continuing to live as before.  You might be living in fear, feeling unloved, or struggling with no hope in sight.  You may have plans to give God your life next week, next month, or next year.  Your old life is “broken in” and while it has its flaws, a life with God may seem even more uncomfortable, much like a new pair of shoes.  Yet, a life with God will be clean and bright, filled with God’s amazing unconditional love and grace.
God often opens doors for us in our lives.  He may open the door to a better paying job, a new home, or a new family.  He may even open the door to a new life with God at the center.  When God opens a door, He gives us the choice as to whether or not we will walk through it.  If we just stand there on the wrong side of the door, nothing will change.  But if we take that first step across the threshold, everything changes.
God’s Word says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV).  This is the 29th day of the year.  Don’t wait any longer to begin a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  He will restore your hope, fill you with joy, and mend your broken heart.  Throw out the old, ugly parts of your life and replace them with new, joyous ones.  Take that first step.  Walk through the door.  Embrace this New Year by beginning a new life in Christ.

In Christ’s Love,

On the way to church yesterday morning, I clearly recall that I was quite concerned over the fact that I had forgotten to apply mascara and did not bring a comfortable pair of shoes for shopping later in the afternoon.  In addition, we were running a little late, which compounded the problem.  As we slid into the pew just as the service was beginning, I took a deep breath, trying not to worry about these minor details that had seemingly grown to major league proportions.  All of the sudden, all of these minor details vanished, overwrought by unexpected news that jolted me to the core.

As the service began, a dear friend delivered news that Corporal Gary Edwards, the School Resource Officer at the school where I teach, had passed away Sunday morning from injuries sustained in an accident.  The Ford Ranger he was driving was struck by a drunk driver.  The impact caused his vehicle to veer into a utility pole.  He was taken off of life support late Sunday morning.  As I sat there listening to the words my friend spoke, I was stunned.  That morning, I had been awakened by an unpleasant dream.  Now, I felt as if I was living a nightmare.  Never in my wildest dreams did I expect to hear news like this.  Only a few moments before, my major concern was whether or not I was wearing mascara.  Soon, I realized that mascara would have only made black streaks on my cheeks, due to the tears that welled up in my eyes.

My heart crumbled with every single word.  I sat there in disbelief as I tried to process the information I had just been given.  This Christian man, who loved the Lord with all of his heart and also loved his family more than anything, was taken from this world in an instant.  There was no indication that this would be his last day on earth.  He had lived on this earth for 43 years, always smiling, always lending a hand, always abiding by the commandment to love one another.  He leaves behind a loving wife and two precious daughters.  I can’t help but wonder…  Of all the people in the world, how could this happen to someone who was so loving, so supportive, and so genuine?  Why did this have to happen at all?

In life, there are no guarantees.  We may be here one day, and then we may be gone the next.  One simple action can be the difference between life and death.  The driver of the other car could have been the one killed in Gary’s place.  But instead, the driver was taken to jail unscathed.  No single person on earth knows why these things happen the way they do.  Still, we know that God’s word remains true, even in trying times like these.  Romans 8:37-39 (NIV) states, “In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.  For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  No matter what difficult times may come, there is nothing that can take away God’s love.  Not even death nor life can take us away from the unconditional love that He continually pours out to us.

Tomorrow, when you go to work or school, I encourage you to do one thing.  No matter where you are or what you are doing, treasure life itself.  Show others around you that you have the blessed hope of Christ.  Reveal to them the special love that God bestows upon us.  Officer Edwards always had a smile on his face, a song in his heart, and a kind word on his lips.  The love of Jesus was evident in everything he did.  He was a wonderful husband to his wife Robyne, father to his daughters Tyla and Toi, and friend to everyone who knew him.  Above all, he was the prime example of a Christian who loved the Lord with all of his heart.  Although we are sad without this special individual in our lives, we can find comfort in the fact that we will see him again in Heaven, if we have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  Do not wait until it is too late.  There are no guarantees in life.  Live.  Love.  Laugh.  Live every moment to the fullest.  Love your neighbor as yourself.  Laugh and share joy with others.  Cherish life.  It is God’s gift to you.

In Christ’s Love,

