A few months ago, a friend called me to tell me about a remarkable choir and orchestra. She continued to tell me how the Florida Worship Choir and Orchestra would be traveling to New York City to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through song. When I heard words like Central Park, Times Square, Carnegie Hall and Brooklyn Tabernacle, I was in awe of the doors that God had opened for ministry. Little did I know that I would have the opportunity to not only join the choir, but that I would also be able to participate in this life-changing mission trip. It was evident that God walked ahead of us every step of the way. I also began to realize that this was not truly my first multi-day mission trip, even though it technically was. Through this trip, I began to more fully understand that we are a reflection of Jesus Christ to everyone around us. People look at us to see if we are smiling or if we look angry, if we are kind or rude to others, if we love our neighbor as ourselves. We don’t have to be on a mission trip to witness to others. We are living testimonies of God’s saving grace. Life itself is a mission field.

L-R: Jennifer Campbell, Earlene Williams,
& Terry Williams (FWCO Choir Director)
The moment I arrived at the airport, the excitement began to grow. New York City is one of my favorite cities to visit. Even though my hometown is a small rural area in Florida, I love the hustle and bustle of this metro area. This time, though, I began to look at people more closely. I saw the hurt in their eyes, the brokenness of their spirits, and the longing for something more. I talked to perfect strangers about the love of Jesus Christ. I prayed that God would use me to encourage everyone around me, whether I knew them or not. I wanted this trip to be more than a fun trip to the Big Apple. I wanted this to be a life-changing experience. But while I was praying that God would change lives, I didn’t even realize that He was working in my own life as well. I came home with a newfound boldness in my faith. I feel that He has rejuvenated my spirit and strengthened the desire in my heart to tell others about the saving love of Jesus Christ. This is what I was born to do.

Singing at Naumberg Bandshell in Central Park
We took the bus directly from the airport to Central Park. Along with rehearsals and lunch, we also had the opportunity to hand out ticket vouchers for the concert at Carnegie Hall. Attached to each voucher was a card with John 3:16 on it. Walking up to people strolling through the Park, I prayed that they would not toss it aside, but read it and carefully consider the message. During the concert in the Naumberg Bandshell, I saw people from nearly every tribe and tongue represented. As I looked out and saw people from varying socioeconomic and religious backgrounds, I couldn’t hold back the tears as I sang the song, “This Blood.” The lyrics state, “I come to tell you He's alive. To tell you that He dries every tear that falls. So I come to tell you that He saves. To shout and to proclaim that He's coming back for you.” To see people who looked so desperate for answers and to know that we were presenting the Answer to all of life’s problems: Jesus Christ. It was overwhelming. I knew then and there that this was not going to be an ordinary choir and orchestra tour.

L-R: Jennifer Campbell, Pastor Todd Brandt & Family,
& Justin McLaughlin (FWCO Team Leader)
On Sunday, we had the opportunity to minister to 12 churches in the NYC metro area. I had the privilege of meeting the congregation at Christian Bible Church in Yonkers. Pastor Todd Brandt and his family began pastoring this church nearly three years ago. The people were so gracious and it was a joy to worship with them. One of my favorite parts of the day was the Prayer Walk through downtown Yonkers. Stopping to pray along the Hudson River, inside the Train Station, and other locations, was a very special experience. What a privilege to help them hand out VBS fliers to children we encountered during our walk. I pray that God will encourage them in their ministry and I hope to see them again one day, Lord willing.

Interview After the Flash Mob in Times Square
One of the most incredible moments I experienced was the flash mob in Times Square. Imagine 350 choir and orchestra members gathering together in the midst of the Crossroads of the World to sing praises to Jesus Christ! What a blessing to know that we had an estimated 100,000 people within earshot of us that evening. After the flash mob, one lady asked if I was a Christian. I promptly told her that I loved Jesus Christ with all of my heart. She asked me to sing for her. I sang the chorus to a song I wrote years ago titled, “There’s Sunshine Awaiting You.” This lady who had been so excited about the flash mob turned quite serious and said my song had touched her heart. She was one of 100,000 people. God knew I was supposed to meet her. He knew she needed encouragement. I am so grateful to know that God could use me, even in the midst of tens of thousands of people.

On Stage at Carnegie Hall
Ever since I was a little girl, God has used me to minister to others through song. I sang my first song in public when I was three years old in Atlanta, Georgia. The song I sang was “He’s Still Workin’ on Me.” Every year, He continues working in my life and it amazes me to know that the little girl who sang at in Atlanta so long ago would end up standing on stage at Carnegie Hall. The Florida Worship Choir and Orchestra had the opportunity to sing on this prestigious stage, debuting our newest recording, “Almighty God.” What an honor to worship Jesus Christ in this historic building. I believe all of the members of the choir and orchestra would agree that we did not just put on a performance, but we had church at Carnegie Hall!

The Florida Worship Choir & Orchestra Singing
at Brooklyn Tabernacle on June 3, 2014
One of my favorite places in New York City is Brooklyn Tabernacle. The Holy Spirit permeates the walls and spills out onto the sidewalks. Through the power of prayer, this church is filled with the presence of God in such a mighty way. We had the privilege of singing at the Tuesday evening prayer service during our time in New York. What a joy to minister to the congregation and to worship Jesus Christ with them! The entire service was so anointed and my heart was overflowing with joy after spending quality time in the presence of the Lord. We went there to minister and in turn, we received a tremendous blessing ourselves.

As I look back on our mission to New York, I am amazed at all of the unexpected blessings God bestowed upon us. I wondered if I would even be able to participate in this mission. I stepped out on faith and requested donations online to cover the cost of the trip. Three days later, God provided funds that exceeded my original goal. I knew at that very moment that God had called me to participate in this mission trip. Just like He called me, He is calling you to the mission field as well. Everywhere around us, there are people who need to know that it is going to be okay. They need a smile, a hug, a word of encouragement. They need to be reminded that they are loved by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You don’t have to be on a mission trip to tell someone that Jesus loves them. You could be at the grocery store, riding the subway, or sitting at work. Every person in this world needs hope. Your mission field is waiting. Tell someone today that there is hope in Jesus Christ!

In Christ’s Love,

Click here for more photos from my mission trip!
Click here for videos from the NYC Worship Project!