When was the last time you heard someone say, “I can’t?” Or perhaps you recently heard someone remark, “That’s impossible!” Many times in life, we find ourselves faced with challenges that truly seem insurmountable. Our family may have unreasonable expectations of our abilities, our boss may ask too much of us, and our friends may become disappointed if we cannot be there for them every single time they need us. God may often give us a task that seems impossible. But it is in these moments when we feel so unqualified, so insignificant, that God reminds us that He makes all things possible. In our own strength, we can do nothing, but with God’s strength, we can do anything! By putting our faith in God, all things become possible!

One of the prime examples of the impossible becoming possible comes from the book of I Samuel. A young man by the name of David finds himself in the midst of a battle. Completely unprepared for the encounter, he is pitted against the largest man on the opposing side: Goliath. Now Goliath is a giant, both literally and figuratively. The Bible calls him a “champion” and says that he stood at a height of 9’9” or 3 meters (I Samuel 17:4). Compare Goliath to David, the youngest son of Jesse, one of Saul’s servants. David does not spend time on the battlefield, but spends most of his time tending his father’s sheep. When David says that he will fight the Philistine, even King Saul himself is doubtful of David’s ability to conquer the giant. Saul said, “‘You are not able to go out against this Philistine and fight him; you are only a young man, and he has been a warrior from his youth’” (I Samuel 17:33). Even so, David has something that Goliath does not have: faith in God.

David knows that God will protect him from all harm, just as He promises in His Word. He said, “‘The Lord who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine’” (I Samuel 17:37). David is offered Saul’s very own tunic, as well as a bronze helmet, coat of armor, and sword. But he wasn’t used to all of that heavy equipment. Instead, he goes down to the stream and collects five smooth stones. He didn’t use special armor. He wasn’t carrying any high-tech weapons. He did not even wear a helmet. He had a slingshot, some small stones, and faith that could move mountains. Most importantly, he knew that the true and living God would be his shield in battle.

David wasn’t acting out of naivety or inexperience. He was acting on faith. Goliath approaches him with his shield bearer going before him, taunting David as he sees this inexperienced warrior bringing “sticks” into the battle (I Samuel 17:43). But David was not deterred by Goliath’s unfavorable commentary. David simply states, “‘You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied’” (I Samuel 17:45). David had faith that God would carry out His plan. Although he may have been scared or worried, he remained faithful, confidently relying on God’s power to bring him to victory.

What if we had such great faith? How would our lives be different if we had faith that a few small stones would slay a giant standing in our way? David did not have any superpowers. He was just an ordinary human being whom God used to accomplish something truly extraordinary. Through faith, David became a high ranking officer in Saul’s army. But his greatest accomplishment was that he obeyed God and God honored him because of his faithfulness.

God will do the same for you. Whatever you are going through, God is looking out for you. He wants to be your shield in battle, your rock that you can stand on, your shelter from the storm. Have faith that God will make all things possible. Matthew 17:20 says, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Have faith that God will be with you, every step of the way. With faith in God, the impossible becomes possible!

In Christ’s Love,

My dad is one of the best examples of Christ’s love that I have ever known.  He loves me so much that he would truly do anything to ensure my well-being, safety, and health.  That’s how fathers and mothers are.  They would run into a burning building, or dash in front of a moving truck, in an effort to protect their children.  So how much more did our Heavenly Father love us?  So much that He gave His only Son to show His love for us.  John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  God didn’t just give His Son’s life for one or two people.  He gave His only Son for every man, woman, boy, and girl on this earth. 

When was the last time you said, “I love you,” to someone you know?  Was it this morning at breakfast?  Or last night before you went to bed?  Sometimes, we just get busy.  Before you know it, a day, a week, or even a month may go by before we realize we have not recently told our loved ones how much we love them.  Funny, isn’t it?  How can we become so busy that we do not tell the ones we love that we love them?  Sure, they know this already; however, we all have an inherent need to be loved.  We all need to hear those three little words every now and then.  Of course, sometimes love is shown in a different way and requires no verbalizing whatsoever.

Consider the love of Jesus Christ.  He didn’t just send us a card on Valentine’s Day.  He didn’t send us a text message, follow us on Twitter, or befriend us on Facebook.  And He didn’t make a phone call, send a letter, or e-mail us either.  No.  Jesus Christ died to show us how great His love is for us.  I John 3:16 says, “This is how we know what love is; Jesus laid down His life for us.”  The Bible clearly states that love is the selfless act of Jesus giving His life for us.  He loved us so much that He endured the agony of the cross, so that we might have eternal life in Heaven.  The Son of the living God went above and beyond every gift ever given in the history of mankind.  He gave His life.  Not just for a particular person of a certain race, culture, socioeconomic status, or other demographical statistic.  Jesus Christ died for every single person on the planet.

As Jesus Christ hung on the cross, He thought of you.  He knew you needed redemption.  He knew you needed a friend.  He knew you needed to be loved.  He didn’t die for fame or fortune.  He didn’t die to have His name engraved on a plaque in a prominent place or have His picture on the cover of People Magazine.  Jesus Christ died to cleanse us of our sins.  I am a sinner.  You are a sinner.  We are all sinners.  The Bible says that everyone has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).  God’s Word also states, “He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities” (Isaiah 53:5).  It doesn’t say that He was pierced for the transgressions of criminals, murderers, or abusers.  It says He was pierced for our transgressions.  He bore all of the pain and suffering for everyone.  Why?  Because that is how much He loves us.

No matter what you’ve done in your life, there is no place beyond the reach of Jesus Christ.  He can make the vilest sinner clean.  Maybe you have taken drugs to the point where you think life is pointless.  Perhaps you have consumed enough alcohol that you have medical concerns being raised.  You may be abusing your family, whether physically or verbally.  In spite of all you have done, there is forgiveness found through Jesus Christ.  As Christ hung on the cross, one of the criminals hanging next to Him said, “Remember me” (Luke 23:42).  He had likely never walked in the door of a church.  He may have never read the Bible, given to his favorite charity, or even said a kind word to anyone.  But he believed that Jesus Christ had the divine power to redeem him of his sins.  Jesus said, “Today you will be with me in Paradise” (Luke 23:43).

Jesus Christ extends the same grace and mercy to you.  Romans 10:9 states, “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”  There is no special prayer or secret code.  It is simple enough that a child can understand.  Just call on the name of Jesus Christ.  Believe that He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords who arose on the third day.  Put your trust in Jesus Christ today and you will be saved.  He will cleanse your sins, mend your broken heart, and fill your mind with peace that passes all understanding.  There is hope in Jesus Christ.  He loves you more than you could ever imagine!  That’s why Jesus gave His life: for love.

In Christ’s Love,


Jesus, Help

Have you ever asked someone for a little help?  Maybe you needed your husband to move a heavy piece of furniture, or perhaps you were looking for someone to repair the leaky faucet in your kitchen.  Whether or not we like to admit it or not, we all need some help at one point or another.  Other times, the word help is not just used as a way to gain a favor, but instead, it is used during a time of crisis.  Think of a pilot who uses the “Mayday!” signal.  There are times in our lives when we feel as if we are on a plane that is running low on fuel, heading straight for the ground.  Life may seem to be spiraling out of control.  It is in these moments that we need more than a helping hand.  We need divine intervention.  In these moments of desperation, we need to cry out, “Jesus, help.”

On January 2, 1982, a premature baby girl entered this world in the midst of what seemed like a hopeless situation.  The doctors had given up hope for the little girl’s survival, since she was essentially lifeless.  Instead, they focused on doing what they could for her mother, who was also having complications from the labor and delivery.  This little girl had no chance of living a happy, normal life.  But her parents knew that God was faithful.  Struggling to cope with the situation, they didn’t rely on some eloquent prayer written with formal language.  They simply prayed, “Jesus, help.”

At that moment, the little girl began to cough, like a little kitten.  The doctors were amazed, yet some of them said that she would be no more than a vegetable even if she did survive.  Forget going to college or doing anything productive with her life.  But her parents didn’t care.  They only wanted her to live.  After spending several weeks in the neonatal center, the parents of this little girl finally were able to bring her home.  Now, at the age of 32 years old, she has since completed six years of college with honors, earning a 4.0 GPA on her Master of Science degree in English.  Obviously, the doctors were wrong.  God had other plans for this little baby.  Jesus heard her parent’s cries for help and He answered them.

That little baby was me.  I was born lifeless.  God raised me up and gave me life.  I am living proof that the same God who performed miracles in Bible times still performs miracles today.  Nothing has changed.  All of God’s promises are true, even in the year 2014.  The Bible says if we have faith as small as a mustard seed, we can move mountains.  My parents had great faith.  The medical world said that I would not live.  But through faith, my parents asked Jesus to help.  They sent up a “Mayday” call, if you will, to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  He heard their desperate cry for help.  Because of the miraculous power of Jesus Christ, I am here today.

There was no ceremonious prayer offered up.  It didn’t take an army of deacons or church elders.  No music was even played.  Two people prayed, “Jesus, help.”  Jesus doesn’t require pomp and circumstance.  He only requires faith.  Whatever you are going through, Jesus Christ wants to help you.  There is no situation beyond the reach of Jesus.  He can heal the sick, mend broken hearts, and restore lives.  Jesus loves you more than you could ever imagine.  Call on the name of Jesus Christ.  Ask Him for help.  He will help you, just like He helped me the very day I was born and continues to help me every day of my life.  He will hear your cry for help.  All it takes is a little faith and a simple prayer.  Your life will be changed forever.  Don’t delay.  Stop what you’re doing right now and ask Jesus to help you today.

In Christ’s Love,

Do you enjoy every minute of your life?  If you’re like me, you would probably have to respond with a definite no.  While we want to enjoy every moment of life, there are often circumstances beyond our control that we must endure.  Some of these circumstances, ranging from minor ones like a flat tire on the way to work to major ones like the loss of a loved one, serve to squelch any positive feelings we may have when we first get out of bed in the morning.  Still, Jesus says that we should enjoy every day of our lives.  How can we enjoy everyday life, even in this imperfect world in which we live?  Jesus knew that life would be hard at times, so He tells us how to have joy on our journey.  In reality, it is not about enjoying every day of our life; it’s about enjoying every moment we live.

When Jesus walked on this earth, He did not experience unprecedented joy 365 days a year.  There were times when He prayed all night long, desperately seeking His Father’s will.  There were days that He was tempted by Satan.  Toward the end of His ministry, many people sought to kill Him and shortly thereafter, He was beaten and crucified.  While every day was not filled with laughter and joyous occasions, He had joy down inside of Him.  He wants His joy deep inside of us as well, so we can be full of joy at all times.  Jesus said, “‘These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full’” (John 15:11).  If we seek the will of our Heavenly Father, the joy of the Lord will remain in us 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and 365 days a year.  At the grocery store, on the job, or anytime, we can be full of joy when we follow Him.

Perhaps you are reading this, thinking, how can I possibly have joy?  I agree.  There are some things in life that are so very difficult to overcome.  In these moments, it is nearly impossible to find joy in the midst of our sorrow.  I am reminded of the days that my parents and I prepared funerals for my two baby brothers.  They were both born premature.  They never even had the opportunity to come home from the hospital.  Maybe you have also experienced grief through the loss of a child or another loved one.  Jesus gave us detailed instruction on how to find joy during difficult times.  Jesus states, “‘Therefore you now have sorrow; but […] your joy no one will take from you. […] Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full’” (John 16:22, 24).  No one can take away your joy.  While my parents and I grieved the loss of my baby brothers, we knew that God had a greater plan for our lives.  We knew that God would restore our joy, even though it seemed like a hopeless time in our lives.  God’s promises are true and He never fails.  If He promises that our sorrow will be turned into joy, then rest assured that it will happen (John 16:20).

You may be thinking...it’s too late.  My joy was gone a long time ago.  I gave it away.  There’s no way I’m ever getting it back.  I exchanged it for drugs, alcohol, or some other outlet that promised to bring me joy for a fleeting moment.  Your battle may be a personal one, where you are engaging in activities that are harmful to you physically, emotionally, or mentally.  Each day goes by and you wonder why you were even placed upon this earth.  You wonder if you will ever have joy again.  I want to encourage you today.  You were put on this earth for a purpose.  God knew that you would exist long before you were ever born.  You matter.  Put your trust in Jesus Christ.  There is joy to be found in the midst of your trials.  No matter what you are going through, Jesus will give you hope for a brighter future and joy to replace your sorrows.  Jesus loves you.  He gave His life for you.  Through His death, your sins have been washed away.  You are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb of God!  Call on the name of Jesus Christ and you shall be saved. 

If you are a Christian, there could be coworkers, friends, or family members who are trying to discourage you in your faith.  In the book of James, Christians are given the following advice: “‘[C]ount it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience’” (James 1:2).  Joy gives us the strength necessary to endure sorrowful times, or to overcome persecution from believers and non-believers alike.  Nehemiah 8:10 states, “the joy of the Lord is your strength.”  The Lord will give us strength to face every single challenge that life throws our way.  Does this mean that we should thank God for our trials?  No.  James shares this wisdom so we know that these trials, though difficult, will make us stronger.  We should rejoice in our trials, not for our trials.

Even in the midst of these trials, though, we can still enjoy living.  We may not enjoy everything that happens in life, but we can enjoy the fact that we are alive.  We can also enjoy more abundant life by applying the fruits of the spirit to our daily existence.  God’s Word declares,But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law” (Galatians 5:22-23).  By applying these “fruits” to our individual lives, we can learn to experience joy on a daily basis.  Psalm 1:3 says, “He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.”  The fruits of the spirit will enable us to succeed in everything we do: great or small.  Through these successes, our lives will take on a greater meaning and we can experience divine happiness, something that cannot come from the worldly pleasures we encounter.  Divine happiness is God-given.  It is a type of joy that abounds when life is wonderful and even when times are tough.  Through this joy in our lives, we can enjoy living life, even with the flat tires that inconvenience us and the great losses that threaten to overwhelm us.

God created this earth and He provides us daily with the means to enjoy and value everyday life.  While some days will be harder than others, we can face each day with the calm assurance that God is in control.  We can boldly go forth, with the assurance that He will always bring us joy, even in the depths of despair.  While we may not always enjoy every moment in life, we can certainly be grateful for and enjoy every moment we are alive.  Every day is a blessing from above.  I Timothy 6:17 states, God “gives us richly all things to enjoy.”  God wants us to be joyful.  He wants us to rejoice in our trials, not for our trials.  By focusing on the fruits of the spirit as the backbone of our countenance, we can truly enjoy every moment we live.  By doing so, we can value life and live a life of value.

In Christ’s Love,

Keep Your Fork!

As a young teenager, I remember hearing my dad share a story he once heard that simply reminds us to keep our fork.  Even in recent years, I have heard my dad tell this story on more than one occasion.  The message in it is so simple, yet the meaning behind the message is so profound.  The story tells of a man who was told to “keep his fork,” while attending a dinner on the grounds at church one Sunday.  When he asked why, another church member responded, “For dessert.  The best is yet to come!”

What would the world be like if Christians everywhere held on to this attitude in our everyday existence?  Instead of griping and complaining about every twist and turn our lives may take, what if we simply held on to the promise in God’s Word that the best truly is yet to come?  Just as the man was instructed to keep his fork, we should keep our faith.  The Bible tells us to stand firm in our faith.  Yet we often find ourselves floundering, uncertain of our future, wondering if God can even hear our prayers.

We get caught up in whether or not the new flowers on the communion table match the sanctuary.  We grapple over the choir director’s choices of songs each Sunday and we debate over which deacon should lead the offertory prayer.  From paint colors to upholstery and cleaning products to hymn books, individuals in churches tend to focus on the things that are insignificant.  More important focal points would be whether or not the people of the church were seeking God’s will in every decision they make, not only in the life of the church, but in their own lives as well.

God’s Word says that without faith, it is impossible to please God.  If we micromanage every aspect of the church and never consult the true Head of the church, then it is certain that all efforts to succeed spiritually will fail.  We must put our lives and our ministries in God’s hands.  We must pray and seek His direction.  We cannot throw our fork on the tray every single time, expecting that a new one will be at our disposal.  We also cannot assume that dessert will be served with every meal.  Sometimes, we must delve deeper into the main course first.  In this case, we are talking about spending more time in prayer and less time waiting for the next blessing to ascend.

There will be many times in our lives when God says, wait.  He may not answer our prayers the first or second time we seek His will for our lives.  He may be preparing us in advance for a greater work beyond our imagination.  But whether we see the hand of God move in our lives instantly or years down the road, we must have faith that He is working on our behalf.  Just like the man who was told to keep his fork, he sat in expectation that dessert would be served.  He didn’t complain about the slow service or the fact he would have to eat it with a fork that he had used to eat his main course.  He just sat and waited patiently, with the knowledge that the best truly was on its way.

In Ecclesiastes 7:10, we read that the best is yet to come.  It simply says that it is not wise to ask if the old days were better.  We must focus on the days ahead.  You may be going through a trial that seems insurmountable.  Recently, I learned of an entire family who perished in an accident.  I cannot imagine the grief that their loved ones must be going through.  But even for these individuals, who are overcome with sorrow, I can tell them with a calm assurance that I know the best is yet to come.

God’s will is greater than our own will.  He always knows what is best.  While many things in life cannot be explained in this life, you can rest assured that God works all things together for good, to those who love God and are called according to His purpose.  One day, we will reach our Heavenly home.  The trials of this life will be a distant memory.  Everything will become as clear as day.  So keep your fork; the best is yet to come!

In Christ’s Love,


The Thorns

Earlier this week, as I was cutting back my rose bushes, I was reminded of the love of Jesus Christ.  As I grabbed hold of one of the branches, I felt a thorn gently touch the skin on my finger.  I immediately let go of the branch, making sure to avoid a deeper encounter with this perilous object.  The moment I let go, I thought of the crown of thorns that was placed on the head of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Here I was jerking back with disdain for these prickly branches, yet Jesus had much larger thorns driven into His scalp.  Suddenly, I was filled with a renewed sense of gratefulness for the love that He showed for you and me.  He didn’t let go.  Jesus didn’t run away from an uncomfortable situation.  He stayed, suffering through every agonizing moment.  Why?  He did it out of love for you and me.

As children, we often learn to recite John 3:16.  The scripture reads, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”  While this verse is entirely true, letter for letter, there is another scripture reference that I feel is equally important.  I John 3:16 (NIV) states, “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us.  And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.”  Right within this single verse, we have a definition of love that transcends any that we find in a dictionary.  Love means being willing to give your life for someone else.  Now this doesn’t mean we need to put ourselves in dangerous situations just in an effort to show someone affection.  This means that we should hold others in such high regard that we would do anything for them, to help them in any way that we possibly could.

Jesus knew that His Father’s will was for Him to die on the cross.  He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane for this cup to pass from Him.  But then He followed this prayer with the words, “Not as I will, but as you will” (Matthew 26:39 NIV).  Jesus did not want to suffer and die.  But He knew that His Father’s will was more important than His own.  I am also sure that God did not want to watch His only Son suffer and die.  Still, they both knew that this was what must occur for you and me to have eternal life.  In John 3:16, we see God’s love for us being shown through the gift of His Son.  Then, in I John 3:16, we see Jesus’ love for us through the gift of His life.

Think about it.  The God who created the Heavens and Earth out of nothing gives His only Son who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, just to save us from our sins.  Jesus agrees to be mocked and spit upon and abused just so we could be redeemed.  They loved us when we were still sinners.  We were unlovable.  We were nothing.  But because of the blood that Jesus Christ shed on the cross more than 2,000 years ago, we became something.  Individuals who trust in Jesus Christ are now heirs of Christ, covered by His blood, bought with a price.  Our sins have been washed away and we are a new creation in Christ Jesus.  All because of the love Jesus and His Father have for us, a love that is greater than we could ever fully comprehend or imagine.

When they placed the crown of thorns upon His head, I know Jesus was in pain.  But in spite of the pain, He knew He was doing it for you and me.  Perhaps He was thinking, this is for My children.  It will be worth it all.  I know they are special in My Father’s sight and I love them just as much as He does.  I would do anything to grant them eternal life.  Jesus could have called ten thousand angels to save Him from this humiliating and excruciating death.  But His love was too great.  He persevered, knowing that each step toward Golgotha was fulfilling the will of God.  He knew that all these things must come to pass before future generations would have freedom through Christ.  He knew He had to die so that we might live eternally with Him.  Jesus was the only perfect man to walk on the face of this earth.  But He still had to die, so that we might live.  This is love.

Perhaps you are reading this thinking that no one could ever love you.  You may have done things that you are ashamed to even think about, much less talk about.  But I want to encourage you today.  No matter what you have done or where you have been, Jesus Christ died for you.  He loves you more than you could imagine.  He longs to have a personal relationship with you.  He wants you to talk to Him on a daily basis.  He wants to be a friend who sticks closer than a brother.  If you do not have this type of relationship with Jesus Christ, I invite you to repeat these words aloud, from your heart:

Dear Jesus, I thank you for dying on the cross for my sins.  I am so unworthy.  Thank you for loving me when I was unlovable.  I was like the thorns, but I know you can turn me into a beautiful rosebud, transforming my corrupt life into something beautiful.  Please come into my heart and make me a new creation.  Please forgive me of my sins.  I want to live for You.  Help me share Your love with others.  In Your Precious Name, Amen.

If you prayed these words, please send me an e-mail at jennifer@jennifercampbell.net or comment below.  I would like to congratulate you on making the best decision of your life.  I would also like to send you some sources of encouragement to help you grow as a new Christian.  If you are already a Christian, living for the Lord, I would also love to hear what God is doing in your life.

This Easter, remember to thank Jesus for giving His life for you.  He loves you so much.  Share His love with someone else today.  Invite someone to church.  Tell your coworkers, neighbors, friends, or family about what Jesus means to you.  Don’t be afraid of what they will think, as I was afraid to grasp hold of the thorny rose bush.  Jump in there and tell them what He has done for you!  He thought you were worth dying for.  Now that is something to talk about!  Don’t just go to church on Easter, but live your life in a way that reflects the love of Jesus to everyone you meet, every day of the year.  Radiate the infinite love of Jesus Christ.  He gave His life for you.  What will you give to Him in return?

In Christ’s Love,

