Christmas is such a special
time of year. I love the glow of the
Christmas lights on the tree, the way the stockings hang from the mantle that
is topped with a nativity scene and the smell of fresh baked cookies as they
are removed from the oven. And I especially
love the aroma that fills the house when I make my mom’s white meringue
chocolate chip cookies, or when my dad makes his perfectly spiced pumpkin pie
on Christmas Day. Both of these
delectable desserts melt in my mouth with a tantalizing taste that is
scrumptiously satisfying to my sweet tooth.
Of course, nothing is better than the warmth in my heart that is borne
of filling gift boxes with something special for family and friends. Every aspect of Christmas is so special, so
endearing, so treasured. But the real reason
I love Christmas is because of a precious little baby boy who was born one
night many years ago.
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So this year, I encourage you
to look past the list of 101 things to do before Christmas. Look past the cards to write, presents to
wrap, and cookies to bake. Look past the
house to clean, tree to trim, and parties to attend. Look past all of the things that may worry
you or stress you and look to the One for whom this joyous holiday is being
held. Christmas is the birthday of a
King. Jesus is the King who does not
require a fancy banquet or an elaborate celebration. All He requires is an open door inside your
heart, so He can come inside. He doesn’t
want you to become frazzled over holiday plans.
He wants you to enjoy the time with family and friends. He wants you to spend time with Him. He wants you to feel His amazing love. And He wants you to love Him in return.
In Christ’s Love,
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