This particular CD reminds me of the wonderful memories I
have of sitting in the Brooklyn Tabernacle hearing the angelic voices join
together in song to celebrate the Savior’s birth. Then, I start to recall the overwhelming peace
and joy I felt as the congregation sang the words from the beloved carol, “O
come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him, Christ
the Lord.” It was in this moment that I
realized once and for all that Christmas is not a season or a holiday. Christmas is a time to adore Jesus
Christ. Christ is all about adoring Him.
You see, Christmas is not just a day at all. Christmas is a state of mind. It’s the way we smile a little bigger,
embrace our loved ones harder, and laugh a lot more. It’s the way we give more, complain less, and
maintain a cheerier disposition. It’s
how we sing a little louder and love our family and friends even more. Ultimately, Christmas is about the moment we
realize that Jesus Christ truly is our Lord and Savior, the King of Kings who
was born in a manger of hay in a stable.
And Christmas reminds us that He was not only born one Christmas night,
but He grew up to be a man.
For the little boy whose birth we celebrate on December 25th
each year is the same One who gave His life on a cross for the sole purpose of
washing away our sins. He suffered and
died just so that you and I could have eternal life. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world
that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not
perish, but have everlasting life.” You
may be wondering why God sent His only Son to die on a cross. The answer is simple. He wanted to give us the greatest gift that
has ever been given. That’s how much He
loves you and me, not just on Christmas, but every day of the year.
While I realize there may not be room in our homes for a
Christmas tree all year through, I pray that there is always room in our hearts
to remember the most miraculous birth ever recorded in the history of
mankind. I challenge you this year to
keep the spirit of Christmas alive in your heart every single day. Do something nice for someone when they least
expect it. Call someone to let them know
you were thinking of them. Write a note
to someone to let them know you are praying for them. Visit a nursing home, volunteer in a school,
or donate to a local charity. Hug your
family and tell them you love them even more.
Do something in the spirit of Christmas every day of the year. Why?
Just because.
Oh, and about that Christmas CD in your car…keep that there,
too. People always say they adore their
kids, their husband, or their wife. They
even adore their house, puppy, kitten, car, motorcycle, smartphone, laptop, sweater,
jeans, purse, you name it! While all of
this is well and good, I am sure with all of this adoration being spread around
that no one will look at you funny if you listen to a song adoring Him, even in the month of January. So, please join me in raising our voices in unison
as we maintain a Christmas state of mind all year through! “O, come let us adore Him!”
In Christ’s Love,
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