The celebration of Easter brings with it one of those special moments in my life when I feel like God is smiling down on me.  In these moments, it is as if God is filling my life with blessings.  I guess you could say that there are times when my cup is truly running over.  I often wonder why I deserve such an abundance of blessings.  What did I ever do to deserve the precious life God has given me?  How could I merit such love, such grace, and such joy in my life?

Thankfully, I am in good company.  As Jesus and His disciples were partaking of the Passover meal, the disciples did not feel worthy enough to have their Master wash their feet.  Jesus said to them, “‘You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.’  ‘No,’ said Peter, ‘you shall never wash my feet.’  Jesus answered, ‘Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.’  ‘Then, Lord,’ Simon Peter replied, ‘not just my feet but my hands and my head as well!’” (John 13:7-9 NIV).  Although Simon Peter did not feel worthy, Jesus explained to Him that his feet must washed in order to remain a part of the Lord’s work.

Many times, I do not feel worthy of the love that Jesus continually bestows upon me, but I know there are times when Jesus must cleanse me and at times, even carry me through a difficult time in my life.  As a child of God, I cannot refuse the love of Jesus Christ.  To do so would be to turn Him away completely.  Even if I feel unworthy, I know that I have been bought and paid for by the blood of the Lamb.  I have come to realize that Jesus graciously wants to help me.  Like Simon Peter, I want to be all in.  I want to give my entire being, all that I am, to the work of the Lord.  Why should I do otherwise?  It is the least that I can do, considering the fact that Jesus gave His all for me.

Last night, I had the opportunity to experience an Easter drama portraying the events surrounding the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  As I sat in the congregation, I felt as though I had been transported back in time.  I truly felt as if I was there, in the crowd, when they shouted, “Crucify Him.”  I became saddened and angry that other humans, just like me, could hold that level of hatred toward the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  How could anyone look upon Jesus’ face and see anything other than compassion for you and me?

As the soldiers beat Jesus, I flinched each time I heard the snap of the whip upon His back.  Then, I found it difficult to watch as Jesus struggled to carry His own cross to Calvary’s Hill.  Not only did He carry the heavy cross upon His back, but God’s Word says, “He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities” (Isaiah 53:5 KJV).  Just imagine what it would be like to endure every sickness, every affliction, and every sin simultaneously.  Surely, no human could withstand such pain and suffering.  Even though Jesus could have called ten thousand angels, He remained on that cross, out of love for you and me.

Inevitably, the crucifixion of any other human being on this earth would not have done anyone an ounce of good.  You see, Jesus Christ is the only perfect human being who ever walked among men.  He was the only Perfect Sacrifice.  Only His blood was pure enough to erase the sins of the world.  Only the Son of God could endure such a horrifying death and then rise victorious three days later.  Only Jesus Christ can heal a broken heart, restore someone’s joy, and save a person’s soul.

God gave His only Son.  Jesus Christ gave His life for you and me.  What more could we possibly ask for?  Surely, we should expect nothing more.  Yet, each day brings new blessings.  The moment I awaken, the first breath I take each morning, the sunrise in the sky above…all of these things are blessings bestowed upon me, even before my day has barely even begun.  My family and friends, my home, the food I eat and clothes I wear…the blessings are truly endless.  When I see a dove soaring above, watch a butterfly flutter by, or view a rainbow up above, I am reminded of the everyday blessings that God bestows on me.  Isn’t that just like God?  He gives and He gives.  Then, He gives us extra special blessings that are always present, if we just take the time to admire them.

Like Simon Peter, we may feel unworthy of the infinite blessings we are given, but we can rest assured that God blesses us out of His love for us.  He wants us to experience a life of peace and joy.  He wants us to rejoice, on this Resurrection Day, and always.  Philippians 4:4 (NIV) tells us to “Rejoice in the Lord always.”  So, on this Easter Sunday, take a moment to thank Jesus for everything He has done for you.  Thank Him for the smile on your child’s face when they found their first Easter egg.  Thank Him for the joy you felt after celebrating this special day at an Easter Sunrise service.  Thank Him for giving you an abundant life to live.  Most of all, thank Him for giving His life.  Jesus Christ loves you unconditionally.  Will you love Him in return?

Easter Blessings,
