Christmas is one of my favorite times of year. My Dad and I
leave our Christmas decorations up until after February 7th, my Mom’s birthday.
She always loved Christmas and wanted to enjoy the decorations a little bit
longer. Although she passed away nine years ago, we continue this tradition in
her honor. As much as I love the warm, inviting glow of the Christmas lights in
our living room, keeping our Christmas tree around a little longer is certainly
a welcome sight.
Over the holidays, I love the fact you can go into almost
any store or restaurant and hear the classic carols of Christmas sounding forth
on the loudspeakers. Christmas garland adorns most every window frame and beautifully
decorated trees seem to sprout from nearly every corner. It seems like nothing
can dampen the Christmas spirit, as individuals smile a little wider, give more
generously, and love even deeper. Even so, there is one aspect of Christmas
that makes everything else seem insignificant. The most important part of
Christmas is the birthday of the King.
Through the years, Christmas has taken on a myriad of
definitions. There are nearly as many Christmas traditions and ideals as there
are stars in the sky. There’s the Giant Lantern Festival in the Philippines,
the Yule Lads of Iceland, the Christmas Markets in Europe, and so many other holiday
celebrations around the world. From Frosty the Snowman to Santa’s reindeer,
people have been creating Christmas characters for many a decade. Not to
mention the traditional sugary treats, such as gingerbread houses, Yule logs,
and candy canes. Although these things are all very festive, the real meaning
of Christmas often becomes lost in the holiday shuffle.
Instead of keeping Christ at the center of Christmas, the
baby Jesus figurine in the manger repeatedly gets placed on the proverbial
shelf, if you will, with everyone and everything else. But if we focus on the
true reason for Christmas, it will become clear that baby Jesus does not belong
next to the Elf on the Shelf. Once we begin to grasp the magnitude of the birth
of Jesus Christ, we will realize the First Christmas is not just another story.
The birth of Jesus changed the world forever.
A little over two thousand years ago, an angel appeared to
shepherds in a field and said, “‘Do not be afraid. I bring you good news
that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a
Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This
will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in
a manger’” (Luke 2:10-12). This great joy for all people extends to you and me.
Without the birth of Jesus, we would never be able to realize true joy. This kind
of joy is not to be compared with the happiness of purchasing a new car or
sitting down to a delightful meal. The joy the angels spoke of is unspeakable
joy, a kind of joy that will last eternally. The birth of Jesus brings
everlasting joy, unending peace, and eternal hope.
Jesus did not come to earth, so we could wish him happy
birthday once a year and pack Him away with the glass ornaments and table
linens. He came to earth, so we could have a road to redemption. We have all
sinned and fall short of God’s glory (Romans 3:23). God knew it would take a
perfect sacrifice to wash away our sins. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, grew
up to be crucified for our sins (see John 3:16). Because of the sacrifice He
made on Calvary, we can receive the gift of eternal life. Jesus came to give us
abundant life, so shouldn’t we worship and adore Him 365 days a year?
Granted, many people have already taken down their Christmas
decorations. Their fragile ornaments have been carefully wrapped and the lights
have been painstakingly and strategically placed in a box, with the hopes that
they will not come out in one tangled bundle this coming holiday season. Most
of the Christmas goodies have been eaten, save a few stray cookies, boxes of
candy, and leftovers in the freezer. Christmas apparel is stowed away until it
is deemed “close enough to Christmas” to wear them once again. While someone
may call the fashion police if we wear our fancy Christmas sweater during the
spring or summer months, there is no reason we cannot wear Christmas in our
hearts all year through.
Will you join me in keeping Christmas all year long in 2018?
Let us thank God for His indescribable gift (2 Corinthians 9:15). He sent His
only Son to be born in humble beginnings, so He could reign as the King of
Kings and Lord of Lords. As the new Christmas song my Dad wrote says, “If it wasn’t for that
baby, forever we’d be lost.” Jesus Christ brought salvation to the world.
Christmas is not just another date on the calendar, but the birthday of the
King. Let us spend every single day of the year, glorifying the name above all
names, Jesus Christ!