Have you ever planned an outdoor event just to have it
postponed or canceled due to inclement weather?
Or perhaps you have had to change a lunch date with a friend because of
an illness in the family or an unexpected work-related appointment. No matter how meticulous we may be in
orchestrating our monthly calendar; our plans often take a backseat to something
that was completely unplanned. But even
when our plans change, we can always rest assured that God will work all things
together for good (see Romans 8:28), according to His perfect will.
I am reminded of something one of my friends always says
when she is making plans. She prefaces
the intended plan with the words, “Lord willing and the Creek don’t rise.” In the 1800’s, people often used these words
instead of responding with an affirmative yes, in accordance with James 4:15. This scripture states, “Instead, you ought to
say, ‘If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.’” The second part of the phrase, “the Creek don’t
rise,” also originated in the 1800’s. Back
then, there were 19 tribes of Native Americans who formed the Creek Confederacy. If they were to have another uprising, a
person’s plans may have been interrupted.
In the same way, things happen today that are beyond our control.
In fact, our plans sometimes change drastically, without
warning. Recently, a colleague was in a
car accident when they hit a deer on the way to work one morning. One friend of mine is battling breast cancer
and another is facing brain cancer surgery.
There are so many similar stories out there of people enduring seemingly
insurmountable struggles. Life is an extraordinarily
fragile and precious gift. There is no
guarantee of tomorrow. But we can take
comfort in the truth that lies within the words of the beloved song that says, “Many
things about tomorrow, I don't seem to understand. But I know who holds tomorrow. And I know who holds my hand.”
From personal experience, I can tell you that life does not
always go as we plan. My mom, three
siblings, three grandparents, and numerous aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends
are in Heaven. While I am so very happy
for them to be rejoicing around God’s throne, I miss them greatly here on earth. Nevertheless, I trust God’s will completely,
as I know His ways are perfect. When I
pray, I have faith that He will work all things out according to His will, not
my own. Sometimes, His answer may be
yes, sometimes no, and other times, He may ask me to wait patiently. If you’re like me, it’s often hard to wait
patiently. We live in a society that
wants everything now. From fast food to
high-speed internet, this world has conditioned us to get what we want without
delay. Yet many times the one thing we
need is to slow down and watch God’s hand at work in our lives, for His timing
is impeccable.

God loves us more than we could imagine. God loved us so much that He gave His only
Son, Jesus Christ, so our sins could be washed away. Jesus rose again on the third day and is
sitting at the right hand of the Father, interceding on our behalf (Romans 8:34). One glorious day, a trumpet will sound and
everyone who has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ will be called up to
meet our Lord in the air. Everyone who
believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life in Heaven (John 3:16). The things on this earth will pass away, but
Heaven will be our forever home.
So the next time someone asks you to make plans for lunch or
dinner, or a myriad of other engagements, be sure to include God’s will on your
calendar. While you may not comprehend
the way things work out, you can find sweet rest in the knowledge that God has
everything under control. He knows where
we should be, when we should be there, and who we should be with at all times
of the day. His calendar is not measured
in days or months, but in lifetimes throughout eternity. Put your trust in Him today. For the best laid plans are not made of times
and dates, but of the eternal hope we have through Jesus Christ!
In Christ’s Love,