Over the past few weeks, my Dad and I have been watching
The Bible Series on the History Channel.
While I have heard many positive as well as negative comments concerning
this popular miniseries, I have personally enjoyed watching this phenomenal
representation of the Greatest Story ever told.
To feel as if I am walking beside Moses as God gave him the ability to
part the Red Sea. Or to feel the
intensity that Daniel felt as he was in the midst of those hungry lions. It was so incredible to watch as the walls of
Jericho were tumbling down. What an
amazing journey to travel with Mary and Joseph on the road to Bethlehem,
knowing that the King of Kings and Lord of Lords would soon make an entrance
into this world. As I watch these heroes
of faith walk down the road of life, I soon realize that their lives were not a
lot different from our own. Sure, our
struggles are much different, but one thing is certain. No matter what we’re facing, God is always enough.
Like David, are you facing a giant in your life? Or do you feel as if you have been thrown
into a fiery furnace like the three Hebrew children? Perhaps you feel like you are being asked to
do the unthinkable, much like Abraham’s obedience to God was tested when he
prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac. I
want to encourage you today. God will be
with you wherever you go. God will give
you strength in every situation. Our God
will always be enough.
David knew that God was on his side. He said to Goliath, ““You
come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the
name of the Lord Almighty” (I Samuel 17:45 NIV).
He knew that if he had faith even as small as a mustard seed, God
would provide the courage and strength he needed to stand up to Goliath. He didn’t need a lot of armor or
weapons. He didn’t need Saul’s
army. All he needed was a small stone
and a slingshot. Why? Because God was enough.
I’m sure the three Hebrew children were afraid as
Nebuchadnezzar said that he would throw them in a fiery furnace. They said to Nebuchadnezzar, “our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery
furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand” (Daniel 3:17 NKJV). Even in the midst of their fear, they
did not bow down to other gods. They
trusted in the one true and living God.
They knew that He would be enough.
Consider Abraham. God spoke to him and said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you
love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah.
Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you”
(Genesis 22:2 NIV). What must he
have been thinking? I’m sure he was
questioning God. Still, he obeyed
God. One thing I think is important is
the fact that he didn’t decide to think about it or pray about it to prolong
the inevitable. The Bible says that he
got up early the very next morning and headed to the mountain (Genesis 22:3
NIV). Abraham trusted God fully, with
the knowledge that God would always provide.
Even as his son questioned what was going on, Abraham replied, “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son”
(Genesis 22:8 NIV). Just as Abraham was
about to take his son’s life, he saw a ram caught among the thickets. He knew that God had provided the sacrifice,
sparing his son. God knew that Abraham
trusted Him to the point of making the ultimate sacrifice. And Abraham knew that God would always
What problems are you facing in your own life? Is it a daily struggle to lose weight? Or are you trying to stop smoking or taking
drugs? Are you recently widowed or
divorced? Maybe you are afraid because
of someone or something that has been haunting you each and every night. Has your faith waivered to the point where
you find it hard to trust God at all? I
want you to know that God has not left you.
He sees your pain. He knows where
you are. He will always be enough.
I pray the song below is an encouragement to you. It is one of the most anointed songs I have
ever heard. I know that God must have
had His hand on Kelly Garner and Kevin Stokes as they penned the lyrics to this
song. And I know that God has His hand
on Karen Peck Gooch every time she sings this beautiful song.
God will always be enough,
the longings of my soul.
alone can fill my cup,
my spirit overflows.
a well of living water,
renews me with His love
God will always be enough.
Whatever you are facing, God will always be enough. Call on the name of Jesus Christ right
now. It doesn’t matter if you are
sitting in your pajamas in your living room, or if you are walking down the
aisles at the local grocery store. Jesus
loves you more than you could ever imagine and you can talk to Him every day of
the year, every moment of the day. For
all of your physical shortcomings and emotional weaknesses, He will always be
enough to make you whole and to make your life complete. If you feel empty, He will fill you up. If you feel alone, He will be your Friend who
remains closer than a brother. If you
feel like you are living in a world of uncertainty, you can be certain of one
thing. Our God will always be more than enough.
In Christ’s Love,