does it mean to be a father? Is it about
a person who provides a shelter, food, and clothes for their family? Does it refer to the way they protect their
children from harm, even to the point of putting their own lives on the
line? Or can being a father simply be
described as someone who loves their sons and daughters unconditionally
forever? No matter how you define what
it means to be a father, one thing is absolutely for certain. Fathers are always ready to hand out advice,
allowances, and accolades, making them irreplaceable heroes in the eyes of
their children.
Father’s Day, many children, young and old alike, will honor their fathers
through cards, gifts, and the greatest treasure of all, love. And yes, dad will likely receive tie #87 to
add to his collection. But it isn’t
about the sentimental greeting card bearing the perfect verse or the funny card
with the verse that says “How much do I love you?” leading to the giant hands
that pop out and say, “This much!”
Father’s Day is about honoring the man who cared for you as a child and
through your teen years. He loved you
even when you spit up on his new suit on the way to church, he loved you when
you accidentally backed his car into the garage door, and he loves you even now,
no matter how old you are, with your quirks and all.

I am blessed to have a dad who loves me unconditionally. He is always there for me when I need him and he is the rock my foundation is built upon. My mama and daddy taught me the most important lesson of all: a life with God at the center is the life worth living. No matter what I am going through, my dad always has a word of wisdom or encouragement, or maybe just a hug to let me know he cares and he understands. I am grateful to have such a loving father and I know I am blessed beyond measure to enjoy such a special father-daughter relationship. It is something I cherish and will never take for granted.
you have never had a relationship like that with your father. Or maybe your father has gone on to be with
the Lord and you’re left on this earth feeling alone. While it is understandable that you miss him
and that you wish things were different, I want you to know that you are never
alone. Jesus Christ, your Heavenly
Father, is always with you. Joshua 1:5
(NIV) says, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” This promise means that our Heavenly Father,
just like your biological father, will always love you, quirks and all. It doesn’t matter if you can see Him or not.
One Sunday morning at church, I learned about a special tradition between a Cherokee
father and son. According to the
Cherokee Indian tradition, a young boy must exhibit bravery in order to become
a man. To do this, his father takes him deep
into the forest. Once they are in the
appropriate location, the father places a blindfold over his son’s eyes and instructs
him to sit on a stump. The son is not
allowed to leave the stump or remove the blindfold until after sunrise the next
morning. During the night, he hears the
sounds of wild animals and other frightening things around him, but still, he
cannot leave the stump or take off the blindfold if he wants to successfully
complete this rite of passage.
When morning breaks, I am sure he
is relieved to feel the sun on his face and know that he can finally remove the
blindfold after enduring a long, fearful night.
When he looks up, he is stunned.
For it is only then that he realizes that his father had been sitting on
a stump beside him all night long, watching over him and protecting him from
harm. You see, the father wanted to know
if his son was brave, yet he was not willing to put his son in harm’s way to do
so. Instead, he ensured that his son was
safe and constantly under his watch all through the night.
Similarly, our Heavenly Father
watches over us, day and night. When we
feel alone, He is there. When we are
afraid, He sends His Comforter. When we
just need to know that everything will be okay, He will provide the calm
assurance we so desperately need. He has
already carried our load, mended our broken hearts, and restored our lives. All we have to do is call on the name of
Jesus. Just like the young Cherokee boy
who could not see his father sitting beside him all through the night, we need
to have faith that everything will be alright. We do not have to see Jesus Christ to know
that He is with us. We simply need to
trust that He will watch over us in the darkest nights and protect us from all
harm. Our Heavenly Father knows our
needs before we ask. He loves us with a
fierce, unconditional love. Best of all,
He is always sitting on the stump right beside us.
In Christ's Love,